SoundCard USB connection

class pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api.SampleRate[source]

Enumeration for the Sample rate of the sounds in the Sound Card

_96000HZ = 96000

96KHz sample rate

_192000HZ = 192000

192KHz sample rate

class pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api.DataType[source]

Type of the data to be send to the Sound Card

INT32 = 0

Integer 32 bits

FLOAT32 = 1

Single precision float

class pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api.SoundCardModule(device=None)[source]

Provides access to the Harp Sound Card. It allows to send and read the sounds in the Sound Card, through a normal USB connection.

If a libUSB’s device is given, it will try to open it. If none is given it will try to connect to the first Sound Card that is connected to the computer.

Parameters:device – (Optional) libUSB device to use. If nothing is passed, it will try to connect automatically.

Opens the connection to the Sound Card. If no device is given, it will try to connect to the first Sound Card that is connected to the computer.

Parameters:device – (Optional) Already initialized libUSB’s device to use.

Closes the connection with the Sound Card. It will close USB connection (to read and save sounds)


Resets the device, waits 700ms and tries to connect again so that the current instance of the SoundCard object can still be used.


Necessary at the moment after sending a sound.

read_sounds(output_folder=None, sound_index=None, clean_dst_folder=True)[source]

Reads sounds from the sound card.


by default, it will clear the destination folder of all data. It will also write by default to a “from_soundcard” folder in the working directory if none is given.

  • output_folder – Destination folder’s path.
  • sound_index – If a sound_index is given, it will get only that sound, if nothing is passed it will gather all sounds from all indexes.
  • clean_dst_folder – Flag that defines if the method should clean the destination folder or not
send_sound(wave_int, sound_index, sample_rate, data_type, sound_filename=None, metadata_filename=None, description_filename=None)[source]

This method will send the sound to the Harp Sound Card as a byte array (int8)

  • wave_int – NumPy array as int32 that represents the sound data
  • sound_index – The destination index in the Sound Card (>=2 and <= 32)
  • sample_rate – The SampleRate enum value for either 96KHz or 192KHz
  • data_type – The DataType enum value for either Int32 or Float32 (not implemented yet in the hardware)
  • sound_filename – The name of the sound filename to be saved with the sound in the board (str)
  • metadata_filename – The name of the metadata filename to be saved with the sound in the board (str)
  • description_filename – The name of the description filename to be saved with the sound in the board (str)
class pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound.WindowConfiguration(left_duration=0.1, left_apply_window_start=True, left_apply_window_end=True, left_window_function='Hanning', right_duration=0.1, right_apply_window_start=True, right_apply_window_end=True, right_window_function='Hanning')[source]
  • left_duration – (Optional) Duration of the window in seconds, for the left channel. If zero, no window will be created for this channel. Default: 0.1s
  • left_apply_window_start – (Optional) True if the window should be applied to the start of the sound for the left channel, False otherwise. Default: True
  • left_apply_window_end – (Optional) True if the window should be applied to the end of the sound for the left channel, False otherwise. Default: True
  • left_window_function – (Optional) Window function that should be used for the left channel. Possible values accepted: ‘Hanning’, ‘Hamming’, ‘Blackman’, ‘Bartlett’. Default: ‘Hanning”
  • right_duration – (Optional) Duration of the window in seconds, for the right channel. If zero, no window will be created for this channel. Default: 0.1s
  • right_apply_window_start – (Optional) True if the window should be applied to the start of the sound, for the right channel, False otherwise. Default: True
  • right_apply_window_end – (Optional) True if the window should be applied to the end of the sound for the right channel, False otherwise. Default: True
  • right_window_function – (Optional) Window function that should be used for the left channel. Possible values accepted: ‘Hanning’, ‘Hamming’, ‘Blackman’, ‘Bartlett’. Default: ‘Hanning”
pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound.generate_sound(filename=None, fs=96000, duration=1, frequency_left=1000, frequency_right=1000, window_configuration: pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound.WindowConfiguration = None)[source]

Helper method to dynamically generated a sound that can be used in with the Sound Card module.

  • filename – (Optional)
  • fs – (Optional) number of samples per second (standard)
  • duration – (Optional) sound duration in seconds
  • frequency_left – (Optional) number of cycles per second (Hz) (frequency of the sine wave for the left channel)
  • frequency_right – (Optional) number of cycles per second (Hz) (frequency of the sine wave for the right channel)
  • window_configuration – (Optional) WindowConfiguration object to apply to the generated sound.

Returns the flatten generated sound as a numpy array (as np.int8)

pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound.generate_window(fs, wave_int, duration, apply_start, apply_end, window_function)[source]
  • fs – number of samples per second (standard)
  • wave_int – base sound where the window will be applied
  • duration – duration of the window (it will be the same on the start and end)
  • apply_start – True if the window should be created at the start, False otherwise.
  • apply_end – True if the window should be created at the end, False otherwise.
  • window_function – window function to be generated. Possible values accepted: ‘Hanning’, ‘Hamming’, ‘Blackman’, ‘Bartlett’. It will revert to ‘Hanning’ if an unknown option is given.

Returns the modified sound with the window applied to it.

Usage Example

import numpy as np
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module import SoundCard, SoundCommandType
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api import SoundCardModule, DataType, SampleRate
from pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound import generate_sound

card = SoundCardModule()

sound_filename = 'sound.bin'
sound_index = 4

# load file and read data (we are using the numpy's fromfile method)
wave_int = np.fromfile(sound_filename, dtype=np.int32)

# NOTE: As an alternative, we can generate a sound dynamically with the helper method generate_sound
wave_int = generate_sound(sound_filename,           # optional, if given, it will save the generated sound to the hard drive
                          fs=96000,                 # sample rate in Hz
                          duration=4,               # duration of the sound in seconds
                          frequency_left=1500,      # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the left channel
                          frequency_right=1200)     # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the right channel

# send sound
                'sound_metadata.bin',    # optional
                'sound_description.txt') # optional

# reads the files related with the sound in index 4, without cleaning the destination folder
card.read_sounds(output_folder='folder', sound_index=sound_index, clean_dst_folder=False)


Usage Example (using ‘with’ statement)

import numpy as np
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module import SoundCard, SoundCommandType
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api import SoundCardModule, DataType, SampleRate
from pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound import generate_sound

sound_filename = 'sound.bin'
sound_index = 4

# load file and read data (we are using the numpy's fromfile method)
wave_int = np.fromfile(sound_filename, dtype=np.int32)

# NOTE: As an alternative, we can generate a sound dynamically with the helper method generate_sound
wave_int = generate_sound(sound_filename,           # optional, if given, it will save the generated sound to the hard drive
                          fs=96000,                 # sample rate in Hz
                          duration=4,               # duration of the sound in seconds
                          frequency_left=1500,      # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the left channel
                          frequency_right=1200)     # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the right channel

# the with statement will call 'close' automatically at the end of the block
with SoundCardModule() as card:
    # send sound
                    'sound_metadata.bin',    # optional
                    'sound_description.txt') # optional

    # reads the files related with the sound in index 4 without cleaning the destination folder
    card.read_sounds(output_folder='folder', sound_index=4, clean_dst_folder=False)

Usage Example (sound generation with WindowConfiguration)

import numpy as np
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module import SoundCard, SoundCommandType
from pybpod_soundcard_module.module_api import SoundCardModule, DataType, SampleRate
from pybpod_soundcard_module.utils.generate_sound import generate_sound, WindowConfiguration

sound_filename = 'sound.bin'
sound_index = 4

# create WindowConfiguration to later pass it to generate_sound
# NOTE: (exemplification of options available, change options accordingly your needs)
window_config = WindowConfiguration( left_duration = 0.2,                   # It is possible to define different durations for the left and right channel.
                                     left_apply_window_start = True,        # For this example, we want a start window
                                     left_apply_window_end = False,         # ... and no 'end' window for the left channel
                                     left_window_function = 'Blackman',     # ... and with 'Blackman' window function
                                     right_duration = 0.1,                  # It is possible to define different durations for the left and right channel.
                                     right_apply_window_start = False,      # For this example, we don't want a start window
                                     right_apply_window_end = True,         # ... and a 'end' window for the right channel
                                     right_window_function = 'Bartlett')    # ... and with 'Bartlett' window function

wave_int = generate_sound(sound_filename,                       # optional, if given, it will save the generated sound to the hard drive
                          fs=96000,                             # sample rate in Hz
                          duration=4,                           # duration of the sound in seconds
                          frequency_left=1500,                  # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the left channel
                          frequency_right=1200,                 # frequency of the sinusoidal signal generated in Hz for the right channel
                          window_configuration=window_config)   # window configuration

# the with statement will call 'close' automatically at the end of the block
with SoundCardModule() as card:
    # send sound
                    'sound_metadata.bin',    # optional
                    'sound_description.txt') # optional

    # reads the files related with the sound in index 4 without cleaning the destination folder
    card.read_sounds(output_folder='folder', sound_index=4, clean_dst_folder=False)