Source code for pybpod_gui_plugin_emulator.emulator_gui

import pyforms
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod
from pybpodgui_api.exceptions.run_setup import RunSetupError
from pybpodgui_plugin.utils import make_lambda_func
from pyforms.basewidget import BaseWidget
from pyforms_gui.controls.control_button import ControlButton
from confapp import conf
from pyforms_gui.controls.control_label import ControlLabel
from pyforms_gui.controls.control_text import ControlText
from serial import SerialException

[docs]class EmulatorGUI(BaseWidget): """ Main GUI for the Emulator module. This GUI window adapts automatically to the different Bpod versions that are connected to the computer to present correctly the number of Ports available as well as the connected modules to the Bpod modules ports. :param parent_win: The Setup object reference that this Emulator will be associated. """ def __init__(self, parent_win=None): self.setup = parent_win self.started_correctly = False title = 'Emulator for setup: ' + BaseWidget.__init__(self, title, parent_win=parent_win) self.CHECKED_ICON = conf.EMULATOR_CHECKED_ICON self.UNCHECKED_ICON = conf.EMULATOR_UNCHECKED_ICON self._currentSetup = ControlLabel( self._selectedBoard = ControlLabel( self._selectedProtocol = ControlLabel( self._run_task_btn = ControlButton('Run protocol', default=self.__run_protocol_btn_evt, checkable=True) self._stop_trial_btn = ControlButton('Stop trial', default=self.__stop_trial_btn_evt, enabled=False) self._pause_btn = ControlButton('Pause', default=self.__pause_btn_evt, enabled=False) try: bpod = Bpod(self.setup.board.serial_port) except SerialException: self.critical('No Bpod device connected, cannot continue until one is connected.', 'Bpod not connected') return except Exception: # NOTE: try again in case of the first connection attempt where we always get the utf-8 exception bpod = Bpod(self.setup.board.serial_port) number_ports = bpod.hardware.inputs.count('P') number_bnc = bpod.hardware.outputs.count('B') number_wire_in = bpod.hardware.inputs.count('W') number_wire_out = bpod.hardware.outputs.count('W') self._valve_buttons = [] self._valve_label = ControlLabel("Valve") self._led_buttons = [] self._led_label = ControlLabel("LED") self._poke_buttons = [] self._poke_label = ControlLabel("Poke") for n in range(1, number_ports + 1): btn_valve = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_led = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_poke = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_valve.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_valve) btn_led.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_led) btn_poke.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_poke) setattr(self, f'_btn_Valve{n}', btn_valve) setattr(self, f'_btn_PWM{n}', btn_led) setattr(self, f'_btn_Port{n}', btn_poke) self._valve_buttons.append(btn_valve) self._led_buttons.append(btn_led) self._poke_buttons.append(btn_poke) self._bnc_in_buttons = [] self._bnc_in_label = ControlLabel("BNC In") self._bnc_out_buttons = [] self._bnc_out_label = ControlLabel("BNC Out") for n in range(1, number_bnc + 1): btn_bnc_in = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_bnc_out = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_bnc_in.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_bnc_in) btn_bnc_out.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_bnc_out) setattr(self, f'_btn_BNC_in{n}', btn_bnc_in) setattr(self, f'_btn_BNC_out{n}', btn_bnc_out) self._bnc_in_buttons.append(btn_bnc_in) self._bnc_out_buttons.append(btn_bnc_out) self._wire_in_buttons = [] self._wire_in_label = ControlLabel("Wire In") self._wire_out_buttons = [] self._wire_out_label = ControlLabel("Wire Out") for n in range(1, number_wire_in + 1): btn_wire_in = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_wire_in.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_wire_in) setattr(self, f'_btn_Wire_in{n}', btn_wire_in) self._wire_in_buttons.append(btn_wire_in) for n in range(1, number_wire_out + 1): btn_wire_out = ControlButton(str(n), icon=self.UNCHECKED_ICON, checkable=True) btn_wire_out.value = make_lambda_func(self.__button_on_click_evt, btn=btn_wire_out) setattr(self, f'_btn_Wire_out{n}', btn_wire_out) self._wire_out_buttons.append(btn_wire_out) self._modules_indexes_loaded = [] for idx, mod in enumerate(bpod.modules): n = mod.serial_port self._modules_indexes_loaded.append(n) module_label = ControlLabel(f'{}') control_text_bytes_msg = ControlText() btn_send_msg_module = ControlButton(f'Send bytes') btn_send_msg_module.value = make_lambda_func(self.__send_msg_btn_evt, btn=btn_send_msg_module, control_text=control_text_bytes_msg) setattr(self, f'_module_label{n}', module_label) setattr(self, f'_control_text_bytes_msg{n}', control_text_bytes_msg) setattr(self, f'_btn_send_msg_module{n}', btn_send_msg_module) if bpod: bpod.close() self.formset = [ ([('Current setup:', '_currentSetup'), ('Selected board:', '_selectedBoard'), ('Selected protocol:', '_selectedProtocol')], '', ['_run_task_btn', '_stop_trial_btn', '_pause_btn']), '', 'Behaviour Ports', ('_valve_label', tuple([f'_btn_Valve{n.label}' for n in self._valve_buttons])), ('_led_label', tuple([f'_btn_PWM{n.label}' for n in self._led_buttons])), ('_poke_label', tuple([f'_btn_Port{n.label}' for n in self._poke_buttons])), '', 'BNC', ('_bnc_in_label', tuple([f'_btn_BNC_in{n.label}' for n in self._bnc_in_buttons]), '_bnc_out_label', tuple([f'_btn_BNC_out{n.label}' for n in self._bnc_out_buttons]) ), 'Wire' if number_wire_in != 0 else '', ('_wire_in_label' if number_wire_in != 0 else '', tuple([f'_btn_Wire_in{n.label}' for n in self._wire_in_buttons]), '_wire_out_label' if number_wire_out != 0 else '', tuple([f'_btn_Wire_out{n.label}' for n in self._wire_out_buttons]) ), '', 'Send bytes to modules' if self._modules_indexes_loaded else '', [(f'_module_label{n}', f'_control_text_bytes_msg{n}', f'_btn_send_msg_module{n}') for n in self._modules_indexes_loaded] ] self.set_margin(10) self.started_correctly = True
[docs] def show(self): """ Overrides the BaseWidget implementation of the show method in order to update the textual information of the board and protocol used, in case of being updated in the main window after creation of this EmulatorGUI window. :return: """ # update names on labels self._currentSetup.value = self._selectedBoard.value = self._selectedProtocol.value = self.init_form() super(BaseWidget, self).show()
[docs] def update_task(self, task): """ Method to update the task name :param task: The Task to be used to update the information in the UI, if available. :return: """ self._selectedProtocol.value = if task is not 0 else ''
[docs] def update_board(self, board): """ Method to update the board name :param board: The Board to be used to update the information in the UI, if available. :return: """ self._selectedBoard.value = if board is not 0 else ''
def __send_msg_btn_evt(self, btn=None, control_text=None): # get message from textbox if btn is None or control_text is None: return module_index =[-1] message = f"message:{module_index}:{control_text.value}" # send msg through stdin to bpod (we need to create a command first in the other side) self.setup.board.proc.stdin.write(message.encode('utf-8')) self.setup.board.proc.stdin.flush() def __button_on_click_evt(self, btn=None): if btn is None: return if self.setup.status is not self.setup.STATUS_RUNNING_TASK: return name ='_') port_name = name[2] is_pwm = port_name.startswith('PWM') is_valve = port_name.startswith('Valve') is_output = is_pwm or is_valve if len(name) > 3: port_number = name[3][-1] is_output = name[3].startswith('out') else: port_number = '' if btn.checked: val = 1 if is_pwm: val = 255 btn.icon = self.CHECKED_ICON else: val = 0 btn.icon = self.UNCHECKED_ICON if is_output: message = f'trigger_output:{port_name}{port_number}:{val}' else: message = f'trigger_input:{port_name}{port_number}:{val}' self.setup.board.proc.stdin.write(message.encode('utf-8')) self.setup.board.proc.stdin.flush() def __run_protocol_btn_evt(self): try: if self.setup.status == self.setup.STATUS_RUNNING_TASK: self.setup.stop_task() elif self.setup.status == self.setup.STATUS_READY: self.setup.run_task() except RunSetupError as err: self.warning(str(err), "Warning") except Exception as err: self.alert(str(err), "Unexpected Error") pass def __stop_trial_btn_evt(self): setup = self.setup if setup: setup._stop_trial_evt() else: self.critical("There isn't any setup selected. Please select one before continuing.", "No setup selected") def __pause_btn_evt(self): setup = self.setup if setup: setup._pause_evt()
if __name__ == '__main__': pyforms.start_app(EmulatorGUI, geometry=(0, 0, 300, 300))