Source code for pybpodapi.session

# !/usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from confapp import conf
from datetime import datetime as datetime_now

import pybpodapi
from import Trial
from import StateOccurrence

from sca.formats import csv

import sys
from import StdoutBuffer
from import StderrBuffer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class StreamsWrapper(object):

    def __init__(self, streams):
        self.streams = streams

    def write(self, data):
        for stream in self.streams:

    def flush(self):
        for stream in self.streams:

    def close(self):
        for stream in self.streams:

[docs]class Session(object): """ Stores information about bpod run, including the list of trials. :ivar list(Trial) trials: a list of trials :ivar int firmware_version: firmware version of Bpod when experiment was run :ivar int bpod_version: version of Bpod hardware when experiment was run :ivar datetime start_timestamp: it stores session start timestamp """ MSGTYPE_DEBUG = 'debug' MSGTYPE_ENDTRIAL = 'END-TRIAL' MSGTYPE_ERROR = 'error' MSGTYPE_INFO = 'INFO' MSGTYPE_SOFTCODE = 'SOFTCODE' MSGTYPE_STDERR = 'stderr' MSGTYPE_STDOUT = 'stdout' MSGTYPE_TRIAL = 'TRIAL' MSGTYPE_WARNING = 'warning' MSGTYPE_STATE = 'STATE' MSGTYPE_TRANSITION = 'TRANSITION' INFO_SESSION_NAME = 'SESSION-NAME' INFO_SESSION_STARTED = 'SESSION-STARTED' INFO_SESSION_ENDED = 'SESSION-ENDED' INFO_SERIAL_PORT = 'SERIAL-PORT' INFO_NET_PORT = 'NET-PORT' INFO_BPODAPI_VERSION = 'BPOD-API-VERSION' INFO_PROTOCOL_NAME = 'PROTOCOL-NAME' INFO_CREATOR_NAME = 'CREATOR-NAME' INFO_PROJECT_NAME = 'PROJECT-NAME' INFO_EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'EXPERIMENT-NAME' INFO_BOARD_NAME = 'BOARD-NAME' INFO_SETUP_NAME = 'SETUP-NAME' INFO_SUBJECT_NAME = 'SUBJECT-NAME' INFO_BPODGUI_VERSION = 'BPOD-GUI-VERSION' INFO_TRIAL_BPODTIME = 'TRIAL-BPOD-TIME' def __init__(self, path=None): self.ostdout = sys.stdout self.ostderr = sys.stderr # the variable will contain a list of streams where the session output # should be written. streams = [] self.history = [] # type: list[Trial] self.trials = [] # type: list[Trial] self.firmware_version = None # type: int self.bpod_version = None # type: int self.start_timestamp = # type: datetime self.csvwriter = None self._path = path # stream data to a file. if path: streams += [open(path, 'w')] # stream data to the stdout. if conf.PYBPOD_API_STREAM2STDOUT: sys.stdout = StdoutBuffer(self) sys.stderr = StderrBuffer(self) streams += [self.ostdout] self.csvstream = StreamsWrapper(streams) self.csvwriter = csv.writer( self.csvstream, columns_headers=['TYPE', 'PC-TIME', 'BPOD-INITIAL-TIME', 'BPOD-FINAL-TIME', 'MSG', '+INFO'], software='PyBpod API v'+str(pybpodapi.__version__), def_url='', def_text='This file contains data recorded during a session from the PyBpod system' ) def __del__(self): self.csvstream.close() sys.stdout = self.ostdout sys.stderr = self.ostderr def __add__(self, msg): """ Add new trial to this session and associate a state machine to it :param pybpodapi.model.state_machine sma: state machine associated with this trial """ if isinstance(msg, Trial): self.trials.append(msg) elif self.current_trial is not None: self.current_trial += msg self.history.append(msg) if self.csvwriter: self.csvwriter.writerow(msg.tolist()) self.csvwriter.flush() return self def add_trial_events(self): current_trial = self.current_trial # type: Trial sma = current_trial.sma visitedStates = [0] * current_trial.sma.total_states_added # determine unique states while preserving visited order uniqueStates = [] nUniqueStates = 0 uniqueStateIndexes = [0] * len(current_trial.states) for i in range(len(current_trial.states)): if current_trial.states[i] in uniqueStates: uniqueStateIndexes[i] = uniqueStates.index(current_trial.states[i]) else: uniqueStateIndexes[i] = nUniqueStates nUniqueStates += 1 uniqueStates.append(current_trial.states[i]) visitedStates[current_trial.states[i]] = 1 # Create a 2-d matrix for each state in a list uniqueStateDataMatrices = [[] for i in range(len(current_trial.states))] # Append one matrix for each unique state for i in range(len(current_trial.states)): if len(current_trial.state_timestamps) > 1: uniqueStateDataMatrices[uniqueStateIndexes[i]] += [ (current_trial.state_timestamps[i], current_trial.state_timestamps[i + 1])] for i in range(nUniqueStates): thisStateName = sma.state_names[uniqueStates[i]] for state_dur in uniqueStateDataMatrices[i]: self += StateOccurrence(thisStateName, state_dur[0], state_dur[1]) logger.debug("State names: %s", sma.state_names) logger.debug("nPossibleStates: %s", sma.total_states_added) for i in range(sma.total_states_added): thisStateName = sma.state_names[i] if not visitedStates[i]: self += StateOccurrence(thisStateName, float('NaN'), float('NaN')) logger.debug("Trial states: %s", [str(state) for state in current_trial.states_occurrences]) # save events occurrences on trial # current_trial.events_occurrences = sma.raw_data.events_occurrences # type: list logger.debug("Trial events: %s", [str(event) for event in current_trial.events_occurrences]) logger.debug("Trial info: %s", str(current_trial)) @property def current_trial(self): """ Get current trial :rtype: Trial """ return self.trials[-1] if len(self.trials) > 0 else None @current_trial.setter def current_trial(self, value): """ Get current trial :rtype: Trial """ self.trials[-1] = value