Source code for

# !/usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging, pprint, dateutil

#from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine
#from pybpodapi.event_occurrence import EventOccurrence

from import EventOccurrence
from import StateOccurrence
from import BaseMessage

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Trial(BaseMessage): """ :ivar float trial_start_timestamp: None :ivar StateMachine sma: sma :ivar list(StateOccurrence) states_occurrences: list of state occurrences :ivar list(EventOccurrence) events_occurrences: list of event occurrences """ MESSAGE_TYPE_ALIAS = 'TRIAL' MESSAGE_COLOR = (0,0,255) def __init__(self, sma=None): super(Trial,self).__init__('New trial') self.trial_start_timestamp = None self.sma = sma # type: StateMachine self.states_occurrences = [] # type: list(StateOccurrence) self.events_occurrences = [] # type: list(EventOccurrence) self.states = [0] self.state_timestamps = [0] self.event_timestamps = [] # see also BpodBase.__update_timestamps self.states_durations = {} def __add__(self, msg): if isinstance(msg, EventOccurrence): self.events_occurrences.append(msg) elif isinstance(msg, StateOccurrence): self.states_occurrences.append(msg) if msg.state_name not in self.states_durations: self.states_durations[msg.state_name] = [] self.states_durations[msg.state_name].append( ( msg.start_timestamp, msg.end_timestamp ) ) return self
[docs] def get_timestamps_by_event_name(self, event_name): """ Get timestamps by event name :param event_name: name of the event to get timestamps :rtype: list(float) """ event_timestamps = [] # type: list(float) for event in self.events_occurrences: name = self.sma.hardware.channels.get_event_name(event.event_id) if name == event_name: event_timestamps.append(event.host_timestamp) return event_timestamps
[docs] def get_events_names(self): """ Get events names without repetitions :rtype: list(str) """ events_names = [] # type: list(str) for event in self.events_occurrences: event_name = self.sma.hardware.channels.get_event_name(event.event_id) if event_name not in events_names: events_names.append(event_name) return events_names
[docs] def get_all_timestamps_by_event(self): """ Create a dictionary whose keys are events names and values are corresponding timestamps Example: .. code-block:: python { 'Tup': [429496.7295, 429496.7295], 'Port3In': [429496.7295, 429496.7295], 'Port2In': [429496.7295, 429496.7295], 'Port2Out': [429496.7295, 429496.7295], 'Port3Out': [429496.7295], 'Port1Out': [429496.7295] } :rtype: dict """ all_timestamps = {} for event_name in self.get_events_names(): all_timestamps[event_name] = self.get_timestamps_by_event_name(event_name) return all_timestamps
[docs] def export(self): return {'Bpod start timestamp': self.bpod_start_timestamp, 'Trial start timestamp': self.trial_start_timestamp, 'Trial end timestamp': self.trial_end_timestamp, 'States timestamps': self.states_durations, 'Events timestamps': self.get_all_timestamps_by_event()}
[docs] def pformat(self): return pprint.pformat( self.export(), indent=4)
def __str__(self): return str( self.export() )
[docs] @classmethod def fromlist(cls, row): """ Returns True if the typestr represents the class """ obj = cls() obj.pc_timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(row[1]) return obj