Source code for pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.channels

# !/usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ChannelType(object): """ Define if channel type is input or output. These values must be set according to Bpod firmware specification. """ #: Input channel INPUT = 1 #: Output channel OUTPUT = 2
[docs]class ChannelName(object): """ Available channel names. These values must be set according to Bpod firmware specification. """ #: Analog channel with PWM support (e.g. Led) PWM = 'PWM' #: Analog channel for connecting a valve VALVE = 'Valve' #: BNC channel BNC = 'BNC' #: Wire channel WIRE = 'Wire' #: Serial channel SERIAL = 'Serial'
class EventsPositions(object): """ """ def __init__(self): self.Event_USB = 0 # type: int self.Event_Port = 0 # type: int self.Event_BNC = 0 # type: int self.EventWire = 0 # type: int self.globalTimerStart = 0 # type: int self.globalTimerEnd = 0 # type: int self.globalTimerTrigger = 0 # type: int self.globalTimerCancel = 0 # type: int self.globalCounter = 0 # type: int self.condition = 0 # type: int self.jump = 0 # type: int self.Tup = 0 # type: int self.output_USB = 0 # type: int self.output_VALVE = 0 # type: int self.output_BNC = 0 # type: int self.output_Wire = 0 # type: int self.output_PWM = 0 # type: int class Channels(object): """ Bpod main class """ def __init__(self): self.event_names = [] self.input_channel_names = [] self.output_channel_names = [] self.events_positions = EventsPositions() def setup_input_channels(self, hardware, modules): """ Generate event and input channel names """ Pos = 0 nUSB = 0 nUART = 0 nBNCs = 0 nWires = 0 nPorts = 0 for i in range(len(hardware.inputs)): if hardware.inputs[i] == 'U': nUART += 1 module = modules[nUART-1] module_name = '' if module.connected: module_name = self.input_channel_names += [module_name] else: module_name = 'Serial' + str(nUART); self.input_channel_names += [module_name] n_module_event_names = len(module.event_names) for j in range(module.n_serial_events): if j < n_module_event_names: self.event_names += [module_name + '_' + module.event_names[j]] else: self.event_names += [module_name + '_' + str(j+1)] Pos += 1 elif hardware.inputs[i] == 'X': if nUSB == 0: self.events_positions.Event_USB = Pos nUSB += 1 self.input_channel_names += ['USB' + str(nUSB)]; loops_n = int(hardware.max_serial_events/(len(modules)+1)) for j in range(loops_n): self.event_names += ['SoftCode' + str(j + 1)] Pos += 1 elif hardware.inputs[i] == 'P': if nPorts == 0: self.events_positions.Event_Port = Pos nPorts += 1; self.input_channel_names += ['Port' + str(nPorts)] self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'In'] Pos += 1 self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'Out'] Pos += 1 elif hardware.inputs[i] == 'B': if nBNCs == 0: self.events_positions.Event_BNC = Pos nBNCs += 1; self.input_channel_names += ['BNC' + str(nBNCs)] self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'High'] Pos += 1 self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'Low'] Pos += 1 elif hardware.inputs[i] == 'W': if nWires == 0: self.events_positions.Event_Wire = Pos nWires += 1; self.input_channel_names += ['Wire' + str(nWires)] self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'High'] Pos += 1 self.event_names += [self.input_channel_names[-1] + 'Low'] Pos += 1 self.events_positions.globalTimerStart = Pos for i in range(hardware.n_global_timers): self.event_names += ['GlobalTimer' + str(i + 1) + '_Start'] Pos += 1 self.events_positions.globalTimerEnd = Pos for i in range(hardware.n_global_timers): self.event_names += ['GlobalTimer' + str(i + 1) + '_End'] self.input_channel_names += ['GlobalTimer' + str(i + 1)] Pos += 1 self.events_positions.globalCounter = Pos for i in range(hardware.n_global_counters): self.event_names += ['GlobalCounter' + str(i + 1) + '_End'] Pos += 1 self.events_positions.condition = Pos for i in range(hardware.n_conditions): self.event_names += ['Condition' + str(i + 1)] Pos += 1 self.event_names += ['Tup'] self.events_positions.Tup = Pos Pos += 1 logger.debug('event_names: %s',self.event_names) logger.debug('events_positions: %s',self.events_positions) def setup_output_channels(self, hw_outputs, hardware): """ Generate output channel names """ Pos = 0 nUSB = 0 nUART = 0 nVALVE = 0 nBNCs = 0 nWires = 0 nPorts = 0 for i in range(len(hw_outputs)): if hw_outputs[i] == 'U': nUART += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['Serial' + str(nUART)] if hw_outputs[i] == 'X': if nUSB == 0: self.events_positions.output_USB = len(self.output_channel_names) nUSB += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['SoftCode'] if hw_outputs[i] == 'V': if nVALVE == 0: self.events_positions.output_VALVE = len(self.output_channel_names) nVALVE += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['Valve' + str(nVALVE)] # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves if hw_outputs[i] == 'B': if nBNCs == 0: self.events_positions.output_BNC = len(self.output_channel_names) nBNCs += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['BNC' + str(nBNCs)] # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves if hw_outputs[i] == 'W': if nWires == 0: self.events_positions.output_Wire = len(self.output_channel_names) nWires += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['Wire' + str(nWires)] # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves if hw_outputs[i] == 'P': if nPorts == 0: self.events_positions.output_PWM = len(self.output_channel_names) nPorts += 1 self.output_channel_names += ['PWM' + str(nPorts)] # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves self.output_channel_names += ['GlobalTimerTrig'] self.events_positions.globalTimerTrigger = len(self.output_channel_names) - 1 self.output_channel_names += ['GlobalTimerCancel'] self.events_positions.globalTimerCancel = len(self.output_channel_names) - 1 self.output_channel_names += ['GlobalCounterReset'] logger.debug('output_channel_names: %s',self.output_channel_names) def get_event_name(self, event_idx): """ :param event_idx: :return: """ try: event_name = self.event_names[event_idx] except IndexError: event_name = 'unknown event name' return event_name def __str__(self): buff = '\n****************** EVENTS ******************\n' for idx, event in enumerate(self.event_names): buff += "{0: >3} : {1: <24}".format(idx, event) if ( (idx+1) % 3)==0 and idx!=0: buff += '\n' buff += '\n\n****************** INPUT CHANNELS ******************\n' for idx, channel in enumerate(self.input_channel_names): buff += "{0: >3} : {1: <24}".format(idx, channel) if ( (idx+1) % 3)==0 and idx!=0: buff += '\n' buff += '\n\n****************** OUTPUT CHANNELS ******************\n' for idx, channel in enumerate(self.output_channel_names): buff += "{0: >3} : {1: <24}".format(idx, channel) if ( (idx+1) % 3)==0 and idx!=0: buff += '\n' return "SMA Channels\n" + buff + '\n\n'