Source code for pybpodapi.bpod.bpod_base

# !/usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import math
import socket
import sys

from confapp import conf as settings
from datetime import datetime as datetime_now
from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.hardware        import Hardware
from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.channels        import ChannelType
from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.channels        import ChannelName
from          import EventName
from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.channels        import ChannelType
from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.output_channels import OutputChannel

from pybpodapi.bpod_modules.bpod_modules     import BpodModules
from pybpodapi.exceptions.bpod_error         import BpodErrorException

from           import EndTrial
from               import Trial
from    import EventOccurrence
from        import EventResume
from import SoftcodeOccurrence
from        import SessionInfo
from             import WarningMessage
from               import ValueMessage
from    import StateTransition

from pybpodapi.session import Session

from .non_blockingstreamreader import NonBlockingStreamReader
from .non_blockingsocketreceive import NonBlockingSocketReceive

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BpodBase(object): """ API to interact with Bpod :ivar Session session: Session for this bpod running experiment :ivar Hardware hardware: Hardware object representing Bpod hardware :ivar MessageAPI message_api: Abstracts communication with Bpod box :ivar bool new_sma_sent: whether a new state machine was already uploaded to Bpod box """
[docs] class Events(EventName): pass
[docs] class OutputChannels(OutputChannel): pass
[docs] class ChannelTypes(ChannelType): pass
[docs] class ChannelNames(ChannelName): pass
CHECK_STATE_MACHINE_COUNTER = 0 def __init__(self, serial_port=None, sync_channel=None, sync_mode=None, net_port=None): self._session = self.create_session() self.serial_port = serial_port if serial_port is not None else settings.PYBPOD_SERIAL_PORT self.baudrate = settings.PYBPOD_BAUDRATE self.sync_channel = sync_channel if sync_channel is not None else settings.PYBPOD_SYNC_CHANNEL self.sync_mode = sync_mode if sync_mode is not None else settings.PYBPOD_SYNC_MODE self.net_port = net_port if net_port is not None else settings.PYBPOD_NET_PORT self._hardware = Hardware() # type: Hardware self.bpod_modules = None # type: BpodModules self.bpod_start_timestamp = None self._new_sma_sent = False # type: bool self._hardware.sync_channel = self.sync_channel # 255 = no sync, otherwise set to a hardware channel number self._hardware.sync_mode = self.sync_mode # 0 = flip logic every trial, 1 = every state self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_SERIAL_PORT, self.serial_port ) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_PROTOCOL_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_PROTOCOL) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_CREATOR_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_CREATOR) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_PROJECT_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_PROJECT) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_EXPERIMENT_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_EXPERIMENT) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_BOARD_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_BOARD) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_SETUP_NAME, settings.PYBPOD_SETUP) self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_BPODGUI_VERSION, settings.PYBPOD_BPODGUI_VERSION) if self.net_port: self.session += SessionInfo( self.session.INFO_NET_PORT, self.net_port ) for subject_name in settings.PYBPOD_SUBJECTS: self.session += SessionInfo(self.session.INFO_SUBJECT_NAME, subject_name) if hasattr(settings, 'PYBPOD_VARSNAMES'): for varname in settings.PYBPOD_VARSNAMES: self.session += ValueMessage(varname, getattr(settings, varname)) ######################################### ############ PUBLIC METHODS ############# #########################################
[docs] def loop_handler(self): """ handler that will execute on every loop when the bpod is running """ pass
[docs] def open(self): """ Starts Bpod. Connect to Bpod board through serial port, test handshake, retrieve firmware version, retrieve hardware description, enable input ports and configure channel synchronization. Example: .. code-block:: python my_bpod = Bpod().open("/dev/tty.usbmodem1293", "/Users/John/Desktop/bpod_workspace", "2afc_protocol") :param str serial_port: serial port to connect :param str workspace_path: path for bpod output files (no folders will be created) :param str session_name: this name will be used for output files :param int baudrate [optional]: baudrate for serial connection :param int sync_channel [optional]: Serial synchronization channel: 255 = no sync, otherwise set to a hardware channel number :param int sync_mode [optional]: Serial synchronization mode: 0 = flip logic every trial, 1 = every state :return: Bpod object created :rtype: pybpodapi.model.bpod """"Starting Bpod") self._bpodcom_connect(self.serial_port, self.baudrate) if not self._bpodcom_handshake(): raise BpodErrorException('Error: Bpod failed to confirm connectivity. Please reset Bpod and try again.') ######################################################### ### check the firmware version ############################## ######################################################### firmware_version, machine_type = self._bpodcom_firmware_version() if firmware_version < int(settings.TARGET_BPOD_FIRMWARE_VERSION): raise BpodErrorException('Error: Old firmware detected. Please update Bpod 0.7+ firmware and try again.') if firmware_version > int(settings.TARGET_BPOD_FIRMWARE_VERSION): raise BpodErrorException('Error: Future firmware detected. Please update the Bpod python software.') self._hardware.firmware_version = firmware_version self._hardware.machine_type = machine_type ######################################################### self._bpodcom_hardware_description(self._hardware) if not self._bpodcom_enable_ports(self._hardware): raise BpodErrorException('Error: Failed to enable Bpod inputs.') if not self._bpodcom_set_sync_channel_and_mode(sync_channel=self.sync_channel, sync_mode=self.sync_mode): raise BpodErrorException('Error: Failed to configure syncronization.') #check if any module is connected self.bpod_modules = self._bpodcom_get_modules_info(self._hardware) self._hardware.setup(self.bpod_modules) # initialise the server to handle commands if self.net_port is not None: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind(('', self.net_port)) self.socketin = NonBlockingSocketReceive(self.sock) else: self.sock = None self.socketin = None # initialise the thread that will handle the stdin commands self.stdin = NonBlockingStreamReader(sys.stdin) if settings.PYBPOD_API_ACCEPT_STDIN else None ##################################################### return self
[docs] def close(self): """ Close connection with Bpod """ self.session += SessionInfo( self.session.INFO_SESSION_ENDED, ) if hasattr(settings, 'PYBPOD_VARSNAMES'): for varname in settings.PYBPOD_VARSNAMES: self.session += ValueMessage(varname, getattr(settings, varname)) self._bpodcom_disconnect() del self._session if self.socketin is not None: self.socketin.close() self.sock.close() if self.stdin is not None: self.stdin.close()
def stop_trial(self): self._bpodcom_stop_trial() def pause(self): self._bpodcom_pause_trial() def resume(self): self._bpodcom_resume_trial() def refresh_modules(self): #check if any module is connected self.bpod_modules = self._bpodcom_get_modules_info(self._hardware) self._hardware.setup(self.bpod_modules) def register_value(self, name, value): self._session += ValueMessage(name, value)
[docs] def send_state_machine(self, sma, run_asap=None ): """ Builds message and sends state machine to Bpod :param pybpodapi.model.state_machine sma: initialized state machine """ if not self.bpod_com_ready: raise Exception('Bpod connection is closed')"Sending state machine") sma.update_state_numbers() state_machine_body = sma.build_message() + sma.build_message_global_timer() + sma.build_message_32_bits() self._bpodcom_send_state_machine( sma.build_header(run_asap, len(state_machine_body)) + \ state_machine_body ) self._new_sma_sent = True
def run_state_machine(self, sma): if not self.bpod_com_ready: raise Exception('Bpod connection is closed') """ Adds a new trial to current session and runs state machine on Bpod box. While state machine is running, messages are processed accordingly. When state machine stops, timestamps are updated and trial events are processed. Finally, data is released for registered data consumers / exporters. .. seealso:: Add trial: :meth:`pybpodapi.model.session.Session.add_trial`. Send command "run state machine": :meth:``. Process opcode: :meth:`pybpodapi.model.bpod.bpod_base.BpodBase._BpodBase__process_opcode`. Update timestamps: :meth:`pybpodapi.model.bpod.bpod_base.BpodBase._BpodBase__update_timestamps`. Add trial events: :meth:`pybpodapi.model.bpod.bpod_base.BpodBase._BpodBase__add_trial_events`. Publish data: :meth:`pybpodapi.model.bpod.bpod_base.BpodBase._publish_data`. :param pybpodapi.mode.state_machine sma: initialized state machine """ self.session += Trial(sma)"Running state machine, trial %s", len(self.session.trials) ) self.trial_timestamps = [] #Store the trial timestamps in case bpod is using live_timestamps self._bpodcom_run_state_machine() if self._new_sma_sent: if self._bpodcom_state_machine_installation_status(): self._new_sma_sent = False else: raise BpodErrorException('Error: The last state machine sent was not acknowledged by the Bpod device.', self) self.trial_start_timestamp = self._bpodcom_get_trial_timestamp_start() if self.bpod_start_timestamp is None: self.bpod_start_timestamp = self.trial_start_timestamp ##################################################### # create a list of executed states state_change_indexes = [] # flag used to stop a trial interrupt_task = False sma.is_running = True while sma.is_running: # read commands from the stdin ###################### if self.stdin is not None: inline = self.stdin.readline() if inline is not None: interrupt_task = self.handle_inline(inline, sma) ##################################################### # read commands from a net socket ################### if self.socketin is not None: inline = self.socketin.readline() if inline is not None: inline = inline.decode().strip() interrupt_task = self.handle_inline(inline, sma) ##################################################### if self.data_available(): opcode, data = self._bpodcom_read_opcode_message() self.__process_opcode(sma, opcode, data, state_change_indexes) self.loop_handler() if interrupt_task: break self.session += EndTrial('The trial ended') if not interrupt_task: self.__update_timestamps(sma, state_change_indexes) self.session.add_trial_events()"Publishing Bpod trial") if interrupt_task: self.close() exit(0) def handle_inline(self, inline, sma): interrupt_task = False if inline.startswith('pause-trial'): self.pause() elif inline.startswith('resume-trial'): self.resume() elif inline.startswith('stop-trial'): self.stop_trial() elif inline.startswith('close'): self.stop_trial() interrupt_task = True elif inline.startswith('SoftCode'): softcode = int(inline[-1]) - 1 self.trigger_softcode(softcode) elif inline.startswith('trigger_input:'): tdata = inline.split(':') chn_name = tdata[1] evt_data = tdata[2] # TODO: surround this call in a try except to capture calls with unavailable channel names channel_number = sma.hardware.channels.input_channel_names.index(chn_name) self.trigger_input(channel_number, evt_data) elif inline.startswith('trigger_output:'): tdata = inline.split(':') chn_name = tdata[1] evt_data = tdata[2] # TODO: surround this call in a try except to capture calls with unavailable channel names channel_number = sma.hardware.channels.output_channel_names.index(chn_name) self.trigger_output(channel_number, evt_data) elif inline.startswith('message:'): tdata = inline.split(':') module_index = int(tdata[1]) msg = tdata[2] final_msg = [] msg_elems = msg.split() if msg_elems[0].startswith('\''): final_msg.append(ord(msg_elems[0][1])) for x in msg_elems[1:]: final_msg.append(int(x)) self.load_message(module_index, final_msg) return interrupt_task
[docs] def load_serial_message(self, serial_channel, message_ID, serial_message): """ Load serial message on Bpod :param int serial_channel: Serial port to send, 1, 2 or 3 :param int message_ID: Unique id for the message. Should be between 1 and 255 :param list(int) serial_message: Message to send. The message should be bigger than 3 bytes. """ response = self._bpodcom_load_serial_message(serial_channel, message_ID, serial_message, 1) if not response: raise BpodErrorException('Error: Failed to set serial message.')
[docs] def reset_serial_messages(self): """ Reset serial messages to equivalent byte codes (i.e. message# 4 = one byte, 0x4) """ response = self._bpodcom_reset_serial_messages() if not response: raise BpodErrorException('Error: Failed to reset serial message library.')
[docs] def softcode_handler_function(self, data): """ Users can override this function directly on the protocol to handle a softcode from Bpod :param int data: soft code number """ pass
def echo_softcode(self, softcode): return self._bpodcom_echo_softcode(softcode) def trigger_event(self, event_index, event_data): return self._bpodcom_manual_override_exec_event(event_index, event_data) def trigger_input(self, channel_number, value): return self._bpodcom_override_input_state(channel_number, value) def trigger_output(self, channel_number, value): return self._bpodcom_override_digital_hardware_state(channel_number, value) def trigger_softcode(self, softcode): return self._bpodcom_send_softcode(softcode) def load_message(self, module_index, msg): # get module reference module = [x for x in self.modules if x.serial_port == module_index] # call module_write. on module reference if module: self._bpodcom_module_write(module_index - 1, msg) ######################################### ############ PRIVATE METHODS ############ ######################################### def create_session(self): return Session() def __process_opcode(self, sma, opcode, data, state_change_indexes): """ Process data from bpod board given an opcode In original bpod, sma.raw_data == raw_events :param sma: state machine object :param int opcode: opcode number :param data: data from bpod board :param state_change_indexes: :return: """ current_trial = self.session.current_trial if opcode == 1: # Read events n_current_events = data current_events = self._bpodcom_read_current_events(n_current_events) transition_event_found = False if self.hardware.live_timestamps: event_timestamp = self._bpodcom_read_event_timestamp() else: event_timestamp = None for event_id in current_events: if event_id == 255: sma.is_running = False else: self._session += EventOccurrence( event_id, sma.hardware.channels.get_event_name(event_id), event_timestamp ) self.trial_timestamps.append(event_timestamp) # input matrix if not transition_event_found: logger.debug("transition event not found") logger.debug("Current state: %s", sma.current_state) for transition in sma.input_matrix[sma.current_state]: logger.debug("Transition: %s", transition) if transition[0] == event_id: if sma.use_255_back_signal and transition[1] == 255: sma.current_state = current_trial.states[-2] else: sma.current_state = transition[1] if not math.isnan(sma.current_state): logger.debug("adding states input matrix") current_trial.states.append(sma.current_state) state_change_indexes.append(len(current_trial.events_occurrences) - 1) transition_event_found = True # state timer matrix if not transition_event_found: this_state_timer_transition = sma.state_timer_matrix[sma.current_state] if event_id == sma.hardware.channels.events_positions.Tup: if not (this_state_timer_transition == sma.current_state): if sma.use_255_back_signal and this_state_timer_transition == 255: sma.current_state = current_trial.states[-2] else: sma.current_state = this_state_timer_transition if not math.isnan(sma.current_state): logger.debug("adding states state timer matrix") current_trial.states.append(sma.current_state) state_change_indexes.append(len(current_trial.events_occurrences) - 1) transition_event_found = True # global timers start matrix if not transition_event_found: for transition in sma.global_timers.start_matrix[sma.current_state]: if transition[0] == event_id: if sma.use_255_back_signal and transition[1] == 255: sma.current_state = current_trial.states[-2] else: sma.current_state = transition[1] if not math.isnan(sma.current_state): logger.debug("adding states global timers start matrix") current_trial.states.append(sma.current_state) state_change_indexes.append(len(current_trial.events_occurrences) - 1) transition_event_found = True # global timers end matrix if not transition_event_found: for transition in sma.global_timers.end_matrix[sma.current_state]: if transition[0] == event_id: if sma.use_255_back_signal and transition[1] == 255: sma.current_state = current_trial.states[-2] else: sma.current_state = transition[1] if not math.isnan(sma.current_state): logger.debug("adding states global timers end matrix") current_trial.states.append(sma.current_state) state_change_indexes.append(len(current_trial.events_occurrences) - 1) transition_event_found = True logger.debug("States indexes: %s", current_trial.states) if transition_event_found and not math.isnan(sma.current_state): state_name = sma.state_names[sma.current_state] self._session += StateTransition( state_name, event_timestamp ) elif opcode == 2: # Handle soft code self._session += SoftcodeOccurrence(data) self.softcode_handler_function(data) def __update_timestamps(self, sma, state_change_indexes): """ Read timestamps from Bpod and update state machine info :param StateMachine sma: :param list state_change_indexes: """ current_trial = self.session.current_trial current_trial.trial_start_timestamp = self.trial_start_timestamp # start timestamp of first trial current_trial.bpod_start_timestamp = self.bpod_start_timestamp trial_end_timestamp, discrepancy = self._bpodcom_read_timestamps() current_trial.trial_end_timestamp = trial_end_timestamp self.session += SessionInfo( self.session.INFO_TRIAL_BPODTIME, trial_end_timestamp-self.trial_start_timestamp, start_time=self.trial_start_timestamp, end_time =trial_end_timestamp ) if discrepancy>1: self.session += WarningMessage( "Bpod missed hardware update deadline(s) on the past trial by ~{milliseconds}ms".format(milliseconds=discrepancy) ) if self.hardware.live_timestamps: timestamps = self.trial_timestamps else: timestamps = self._bpodcom_read_alltimestamps() timestamps = [float(t)*self._hardware.times_scale_factor for t in timestamps] # update the timestamps of the events ############################################################# for event, timestamp in zip(current_trial.events_occurrences, timestamps): event.host_timestamp = timestamp e = EventResume(event.event_id, event.event_name, host_timestamp=timestamp) self.session += e ################################################################################################### current_trial.event_timestamps = timestamps current_trial.state_timestamps += [timestamps[i] for i in state_change_indexes] current_trial.state_timestamps += timestamps[-1:]
[docs] def find_module_by_name(self, name): """ Search for a module by name """ for m in self.modules: if == name: return m return None
######################################### ############## PROPERTIES ############### ######################################### @property def session(self): return self._session # type: Session @session.setter def session(self, value): self._session = value # type: Session @property def hardware(self): return self._hardware # type: Hardware @property def modules(self): return [m for m in self.bpod_modules if m.connected]
# @property # def inputs(self): # return self._hardware.inputs # @property # def outputs(self): # return self._hardware.outputs # @property # def channels(self): # return self._hardware.channels # @property # def max_states(self): # return self._hardware.max_states # @property # def max_serial_events(self): # return self._hardware.max_serial_events # @property # def inputs_enabled(self): # return self._hardware.inputs_enabled # @property # def cycle_period(self): # return self._hardware.cycle_period # @property # def n_global_timers(self): # return self._hardware.n_global_timers # @property # def n_global_counters(self): # return self._hardware.n_global_counters # @property # def n_conditions(self): # return self._hardware.n_conditions # @property # def n_uart_channels(self): # return self._hardware.n_uart_channels # @property # def firmware_version(self): # return self._hardware.firmware_version # @property # def machine_type(self): # return self._hardware.machine_type # @property # def cycle_frequency(self): # return self._hardware.cycle_frequency